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Mainc Depressive, 40+ S/W/F from Southeast Texas. I love my family, friends, pets & GOD! I am a Dreamer, A thinker, A Poet, A mother to many! I awake each day asking myself: "What will make me Happy today?" I don't believe in Guilt, Remorse or Regret. If that makes me a Pshycopath~so be it! I live for today, tomorrow & enternity with the GOD/Jesus in Paradise. This life is but a second or two in our enternal lives. It is a vacation, a chance for learning, loving, feeling happiness~joy, pain~heartache & growing spirtually. So sit back & enjoy the show! Remember you will be judge by the standards you judge others! Follow the 10 comandments & when you screw up ~fall down & ask forgiveness from God! Yeah! I am a sinner but JC's got my back. FYI~With all that said........ keep in mind~I am still a Bi~Polar Crazy Woman! Yeah! I have to fall on my knees alot! Marcy Lynn Strahan ZESTYWONDERLAND@GMAIL.COM

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Okay Me With No Make Up!

I have a tumor in my Thyroid! Sometimes my neck swells up like a big flat tire!
Maybe later I will post a picutre with makeup.
This is me right now swollen neck & raccoon eyes.


Anonymous said...

Some women in make up are looking a lot worse then you without wearing one.
I see no neck swelling only the double chin:)
Most thyroid swellings are visible only when the person stretches the neck and /or swallows.
In the renaissance age the moderate goiter was so common among the women so it was considered sign of beauty:)
If your tumor is cystic [fluid filled blister] PEI injection treatment can be used to shrink it [does not work for solid nodules]


I have a Follicular tumor inside the leftside of my thyroid.

They could not tell me it was cancer ~so I refused surgery & leaving it all in God's Hands.
So far I am still alive & fatter than ever.
Strangly it's the rightside that swells so's double it's normal size ..doing the work of both.
Blood test levels are normal unless they take blood at the exact moment I am having a thyroid spell.
I've choosen not to have surgery or treatments or pills.
When they tell it's cancer..will I even think about it.
I would rather live less years with a higher quality of life....then more years sick from treatments or recovering from surgeries.
If it's cancer they would give me less than 3's been 2.
If it's not ......then it's anyone's guess & I must just live with the side effects.
Because my blood work is normal ~I am not on any Thyroid meds right now.
I just have a big problem with Idoine...allergic reactions to anything more than 50% the daily allowance of sodium.......Idiodize salt can make me bloat up so bad & have breathing problems.
Anyways, I can't have Idoine Treatment becasue It would kill me.
Tuff choices......all I have is my faith & prayer.

Anonymous said...

The follicular adenoma [benign] and folliculr variant of papillary carcinoma cells are the same;this is why simple fine needle biopsy cannot tell the difference.If case is questionable like yours, core biopsy with larger size needle is done so it will pick up the sample of the TISSUE.This procedure is most effective for nodules of 2 cm and larger. The way how the cells are arranged in the tuissue can help to differentiate between benign and cancerous tumor.If tumor is well incapsulated and increases its diameter not more then 15 percent per year [clinical guide 2002], then it can be watched out for some time; however if its size increases rapidly, surgery would be necessary.
If tumor is changing in size from time to time[swells up, then swelling subsidizes,] it may indicate ineternal bleeding inside it.
Best of luck and my prayers to you.


Thank You! I will check into the additional testing! I am going to a new doctor soon & hopefully allwill be ok!
I truly believe it is not cancer but think there might be a case of autoimmune thyroiditis going on or something.
I always had trouble with iodine for some reason. I have to watch my soduim intake & keep it at 50% the Daily recomended allowance.
I do eat crawfish which is not really a salt water fish & I like bass too.
These do not bother me much. A mild fluid pill after eating them is all I need.
However, shrimp or seafood is slowly becomming worse & worse for me to eat(AND I LOVE SHRIMP).......I have to take Benyadrl before eating seafood & a prescription fluid pills after.
So many food have "hidden" salt content or high amounts.
TV Dinner's sometimes contain 50% of the Daily RA so I have to be very careful.
OH, the last biospy was a fine needle with ultra sound ~done at MD ANDERSON in Houston,TX! I am just not sure of the tech. type of test the did on the sample.
In the last 5 years I've had: an ovarian tumor the size of a volleyball removed, a Huge hernia repair & a few TIA's. I just could not deal with anymore surgeries or the "down" time of healing afterwards unless they could tell me it was for sure it's cancer.
My dad had surgery on his brain. My brother in law fought colon cancer. My mom is in the hosiptal right now.
My sister's 2 dogs have been here since hr home & my other sister's home was destoryed by hurricane IKE.
My home ws damaged but livable.
Three years ago......while recovering from the Hernia surgery ~Rita did alot of damage to my home. There were some smaller storms tooo~like Hugo.
Sorry, did not mean to go on & on!
Our family, friends, town had been thur so much.
I just cannot afford un~need surgeries or "down time" recovering.
All I can do right now is pray.
In some strange being Bi-Polar is probally what had kept me sane!
If your already crazy .......when crazy times seem to be able to dog paddle thur

Anonymous said...

I am trying to recover after my back injury as well as posttraumatic stress disorder.
I would be praying for you.
When you see the new doctor, ask him to run antibodies test for you.
Too bad I have not seen your ultrasound report, from which is possible to say with good probability which treatment option is the best for your case.
[Thyroid size and echotexture information is important]
AACE recommends thyroid neck self exam for patients with thyroid disorders to detect obvious nodular abnormalities, such as rapid growth of small nodule
Best Of Luck!!